The Importance of Training Cabin Crew in Self-Defense and Arrest Techniques

In the aviation industry, cabin crew members face a wide range of potential threats that demand top-notch physical and mental preparedness. With the increasing security risks on board aircraft, from unruly passengers to physical assaults and even terrorism, it has become essential to train crew members in self-defense and arrest techniques.

Protecting the aircraft and its passengers goes beyond traditional security measures like screening and surveillance; it also involves the crew’s ability to respond effectively to immediate threats. Here lies the significance of learning self-defense, which equips crew members to defend themselves and maintain control in critical situations.

Threat Levels and Their Classification:

  1. Level 1: Verbal Disruptive Behavior
    • Includes unacceptable behaviors such as yelling, swearing, or defying crew instructions.
  2. Level 2: Physically Abusive Behavior
    • Involves physical assaults like hitting or attempting to harm others.
  3. Level 3: Life-Threatening Behavior
    • Encompasses threats using weapons or attempts to take control of the aircraft.
  4. Level 4: Attempt or Actual Breach of the Cockpit
    • Represents the most severe threats, requiring swift and decisive action to ensure the aircraft’s safety.

By training cabin crew in self-defense and arrest techniques, we ensure they are equipped to handle these risks with proficiency, enhancing the safety and security of everyone on board. These training sessions are not merely a necessity but an investment in the security and safety of air travel in an ever-changing and challenging world.

9-Month AIKICHUN Training Plan

Quarter 1: Omega Phase

Quarter 2: Beta Phase

Quarter 3: Alpha Phase

Methodology Highlights:

This training program is meticulously designed to prepare cabin crew members for a wide range of security threats on board, using the Aikichun methodology. The program is divided into three quarters, with intensive practical drills that enhance their physical and mental abilities to handle all threat levels effectively.


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