In a world brimming with various martial arts and defensive systems, the AIKICHUN system stands out as one of the most comprehensive and effective. Founded by Mohammed Al-Fayez Faleh after a 20-year journey inside and outside Egypt, this martial art is characterized by its focus on close-range combat, breaking safe distances to enter the control zone, and delivering effective strikes.

The Beginning: A Story of Struggle and Challenge

The story of AIKICHUN began with Mohammed Al-Fayez’s personal and professional challenges. The goal was not merely to develop a combat art focusing on defense and offense but to create a complete system that integrates physical fitness, mental strength, and tactical techniques applicable in real-life situations.

AIKICHUN is more than just a combat system; it is a lifestyle that promotes self-confidence, discipline, and adaptability to various challenges. Mohammed Al-Fayez, who has always faced unexpected challenges, began developing this system with his diverse background in martial arts and physical training. AIKICHUN is based on the principle that effective combat starts by gaining control in close quarters, where a fighter can impose their style and force their opponent into their control zone.

AIKICHUN Training Methodology

The AIKICHUN system features a unique learning methodology designed to maximize benefits at every training stage. The training program divides trainees into three categories based on their muscle response speed (M-G-S) and spans nine months, divided into three main phases:

Training the Forces: A Successful Partnership with China’s Crime Control Unit

Over three years, the AIKICHUN system was trained by China’s Crime Control Unit. This partnership was not just ordinary training but a development journey adapting to unique security challenges, enhancing their efficiency in handling difficult and complex situations.

A Comprehensive Combat System: Blending Martial Arts with Movement Engineering

AIKICHUN is the first combat system to incorporate key martial arts that rely on movement engineering. It combines techniques from Aikido, Wing Chun, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), along with others like Kali, Chin Na, and Kaisi. The system also includes training in knife and sword use and defense. This unique blend makes AIKICHUN a comprehensive combat system capable of handling a variety of combat scenarios.

Combat Without Combat: The Philosophy Behind AIKICHUN

Unlike many combat systems focused on championships and duels, AIKICHUN aims to address real-life situations. The system’s core philosophy is to use everything in the environment to achieve the goal without resorting to excessive force or unnecessary combat. The motto “Combat Without Combat” reflects the fighters’ aim to control and resolve situations without fighting, focusing on effective and peaceful solutions.

Applications of the System: Benefits of Teaching AIKICHUN to Police and Special Operations

AIKICHUN offers significant benefits when training police and special teams, including:

Aircraft Crew Training Using AIKICHUN

Among AIKICHUN’s notable applications is its specialized training program for aircraft crew. This program prepares crew members to handle security threats onboard using AIKICHUN techniques.

9-Month Training Plan: Developing Crew Skills with AIKICHUN Methodology

The training program is divided into three main phases:

Developing Action Scenes: Mohammed Al-Fayez and AIKICHUN in Cinematic Fight Design

Mohammed Al-Fayez and AIKICHUN have been instrumental in designing cinematic fight scenes. Al-Fayez aims to develop action scenes in Arab and Egyptian cinema. He believes that Egyptian cinema heavily relies on traditional fighting styles associated with characters like thugs or bullies. He argues that updating these methods to better fit various characters is essential. Al-Fayez points out that portraying police officers and professionals with the same thug style is unrealistic and emphasizes the importance of diverse combat styles to reflect character differences and details, as seen in global cinema.

Mohammed Al-Fayez’s Vision: Promoting Self-Defense Culture

With twenty years of experience and learning from various countries, businessman and Captain Mohammed Al-Fayez believes that enhancing security comes from balancing forces. He aims to incorporate AIKICHUN’s methodology into educational programs to support this goal, contributing to raising awareness about self-defense skills and achieving personal and community security.

Mohammed Al-Fayez believes that current martial arts might not be suitable for real street fighting or actual wars. He emphasizes that a warrior must be well-rounded in both defense and offense, focusing on fluidity, calmness, and harmony, enabling them to endure long periods without excessive force. For instance, while Judo is powerful, it lacks real combat elements due to the absence of strikes and kicks. Conversely, while Boxing and MMA are effective in defeating opponents, they lack the tactical techniques needed for controlling an opponent without causing harm.

This is the balance Mohammed Al-Fayez strives to achieve with AIKICHUN’s tactical combat system, combining effective offense and defense, fluid movement, and the ability to control without excessive force.

Future Development: Integrating Additional Combat Skills

Mohammed Al-Fayez plans to incorporate additional military skills into the AIKICHUN system, such as horseback riding and shooting from horseback.


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